Friday, 8 June 2007

grassroots and weeding

'Play for Zimbabwe' isn't public yet (solely because I want a picture to grab attention and brand the idea - I promise it's coming, but at a suitably Zimbabwean pace). But what is abundantly clear is that everyone is excited about it - everyone is excited about the opportunity to show their pride and recognise the importance of their nationality. These first few days are significant (please note the idea 'Play for Zimbabwe' was only born eight days ago) first for testing the response to this suggestion and for establishing an action plan to make it a reality.

'Play for Zimbabwe' is realistically simple, do-able and appealing, particularly for the 'born free' generation of Zimbabweans who, in recent years, have learnt to network extensively to re-affirm their identities and sense of belonging.

I am as impatient as the next person to see this fulfilled - it would be great if everything was ready "yesterday". But it's important to be practical too - so time to write to Cricket Australia and inform them of the event, out of respect for the game and for their team.

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